A downloadable game

Jester Jabs: a party game

Try to impress your friends and make them laugh in this 4 - 6 person party game for the 2024 Global Game Jam! Compete in 4 different writing-based minigames as a Jester to win the vote of the King, the winner of the previous round. The minigames include:

  • Punchline Picker — All Jesters receive the beginning, or build-up, of a previously established joke and fill-in the end, or punchline, to the joke.
  • Better Build — All Jesters receive the end, or punchline, of a previously established joke and fill-in the beginning, or build-up, to the joke.
  • Funny Free-Write — All Jesters receive a randomly category and are given free reign to write a joke to impress the King.
  • King's Gambit — The King gives the start of a story and it is the Jesters' job to provide a funny part to continue to story. The best (funniest) contribution deemed by the King wins!

How do we play?

This is a local multiplayer game (jam...), so all you need to play is a device that you can pass around among friends! This could be through a wireless keyboard with the game displayed on a big screen or as simple as a laptop with the jokes read out/shown by the King.


Credits to Lexaloffle Games for the Pico 8 palette and Niko Tersa for the Summer Pixel Wide 22 font

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